Reducing breast cancer deaths.
Spark design awards finalist 2016
Cancer is one of the leading chronic diseases in the world, where breast cancer represents 25% of all women diagnosed with cancer. The concerning statistic was a starting guide to my design and research of the project Ultracheck.
The main conclusions of my research were gathered by the survey I conducted, asking women and men about their ways of preventive examination. I found out that 66% of people are not sure if they're performing the self-breasts exam correctly. Additionally, for most women, self-exams can trigger feelings of frustration, not knowing how a lump feels like and worrying about actually feeling something and not knowing how to react to that can have a highly stressful effect.
I aimed to design a product that would help people perform breast self-exams regularly, at home. The designed product works with the help of ultrasound technology. Because of this technology the product can be designed as a small, portable device, the technology used is not radioactive and most important the device would show more reliable results than self-examining. The device is ergonomically designed as it can be attached to different sizes of hands due to the inflatable bubble below the user's palm that adapts to the shape of the user's hand and holds it in place.
The product is supported by a smartphone application that reinsures the results of the examination by using AI-machine learning technics. The application supports the users through the exam, motivates them to apply for mammography if needed and offers to call their doctor if they are not comfortable with the results.